About Us – Misophonia Videos

The Misophonia Association in association with Goodluck Productions has video recorded the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, and 2013 Misophonia Conventions and is revving up to record the upcoming Virtual 2021 Misophonia Convention this October 14-16th, 2021.

We package up the key presentations into a format for viewing at home or in medical clinics. The finished edit features the speaker with high quality video and audio in combination with their power points for easy and real time reference. This provides the viewer with a natural experience, as if you were actually at the conference. They are also useful for recalling and reviewing what was presented for those who did attend, or sharing with family, medical providers, or counselors.

If you are looking for cutting edge and insightful information about Misophonia, including treatment options from experts in the field, this video series is designed for you.

Buying The Videos Supports The Misophonia Association


Money from the sale of these videos directly helps with the growth of the Misophonia Association 501(c)(3) and the Misophonia Association Convention held each year as well as the continuation of filming each year.

The videos help spread the mission and message behind the Misophonia Association out to the world – especially for those who aren’t able to make it to the convention in person.  Again, these videos are also great for attendees because they can forever recall what they learned at the conference with amazing expert advice, guidance and facts on treatment, support and coping mechanisms.

Who Are These Videos For?


These videos are for anyone that suffers from Misophonia, directly (the misophone) or indirectly (family and friends of the misophone).  Misophonia – also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome – literally means the strong dislike or hatred of specific sounds.  Triggers can range from loud chewing, eating, breathing and yawning to repetitive movements/sounds, such as foot tapping or pen clicking.

People who will benefit from these videos:

  • misophones
  • family members
  • friends
  • students
  • professionals

People will also benefit from these videos if they are looking for:

  • the latest, cutting edge advice on Misophonia treatment and research
  • information on what misophonia is
  • a solid resource that you can refer back to time and time again
  • a resource to explain misophonia to others and receive special accommodations
  • a school teacher, boss, family member, or anyone else wondering what misophonia is
misophonia convention

About Goodluck Productions

Goodluck Productions is a small film crew comprised of Cassie Goodluck and Nate Johnson who have been behind the Misophonia Convention Videos from the very beginning. There to film the first 2013 Misophonia Convention in Portland, they continue to video record and edit the video packages each year.

They have also created and designed this website in order to distribute the videos to the world in an easy and streamlined way.  Filmmaking is Cassie’s greatest passion since a young age, and has been her career ever since.  Nate is a whiz with technology, building websites and ecommerce sites. Together they are a team that strives to bring you excellent videos from the Misophonia Conventions each year!

misophonia convention